Powell Construction Services, Inc.

Key Projects
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Projects shown are affiliated with Powell Construction Services, Inc.


USDA Florence HVAC/Fume Hood Replacement - Phased Renovation of 4 Labs including abatement, demolition, wall repairs, doors, HVAC, plumbing, electrical, roofing, misc. steel, controls, and roof insulation.   

 CDC Lawrenceville - Replaced air handlers.

CDC Roybal Chiller Plant - Installation of New Pumps.

Additional Projects:
Tubman Museum
CDC Bldg 21 Roof Access
CDC Bldg 23 Animal Lab Cage Wash
CDC Bldg 10 Central Plant Roof Drains
CDC Bldg 21 Men's Room Renovation
CDC Bldg 16 Boiler Plant
CDC Bldg C Walk In Freezers
CDC Bldg 18 Back Up Compressor
CDC Bldg 16 Swicthgear AHU
USDA Griffin Shade Cloth Replacement
CDC Bldg 18 Catwalk Installtion
CDC Bldg 10 Boiler Feed Water Pumps
CDC Bldg 14 Gearbox Repacement
CDC Bldg 15 Skid Pumps  
CDC Bldg B MMA Flooring Replacement
CDC Bldg 21 Add Liebert to SCIF
CDC Bldg 14 Chilled Water Piping Additions
CDC Battery Room Upgrades - Multiple Campuses and Buildings
CDC Chamblee Backfill Cafeteria
CDC Renovations to Meet AAALAC Requirements